History of SQecial Media

SQecial Media was founded by David Adams in early 1972 in Lexington, Kentucky. We have been "your best alternative for the important, interesting, and hard-to-find" for over fifty years!

Now owned by Mary Morgan, who has managed the day-to-day operations of the store since 1977, SQecial Media is committed to providing a breadth and variety of objects and materials that you don't see in an average brick and mortar business. Whether you're seeking a guide to Buddhism, a statue of Hecate, a pack of incense, or a fun little kitchen gadget, we try to represent a broad variety of traditions and perspectives, with an emphasis on providing a safe space for people to shop -- and simply exist.

In the past we have sponsored and curated the annual Rosa Goddard International Film Festival at the Kentucky Theater, presented a biannual Picture-Poem Contest for National Poetry Month, and every year, on the first Sunday in March, we hold an anniversary celebration that brings together past and current customers and employees for a day of merriment, snacks, and music.